Lighting Analysts introduces ultra-fast climate-based annual daylight simulations for both LEED v4 and LM-83 daylight metric calculations using Licaso®. Using patent-pending algorithms and site-specific TMY3 weather data, Licaso finally makes daylight modeling practical for both lighting designers and architects using the industry standard AGi32 software or our ElumToolsTM add-in for Autodesk® Revit®. With calculation times measured in minutes, rather than hours or days, annual daylight simulations are now accessible to anyone on desktop and even laptop computers.

Given an AGi32 or ElumTools/Revit environment, Licaso can compute workplane illuminance for every daylit hour of every day for an entire year. From these calculations a wide variety of annual daylight metrics can be accumulated. These include: various flavors of Daylight Autonomy (Minimum, Maximum, Basic, Continuous, Spatial), Useful Daylight Illuminance, Annual Sunlight Exposure, Annual Daylight Exposure, and Average, Maximum and Minimum illuminance. Presentation options include graphical Spatial Maps (2D or superimposed on a rendered view), Temporal Maps, Temporal Map Charts and rendered views of specific times and dates. Any/all of these can be included with statistical summaries in a flexible and user formatted report.
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