The Sapphire Awards Gala Dinner, held on the night of February 14, 2018, celebrated the most innovative companies in the solid-state lighting (SSL) industry by naming the fourth annual LEDs Magazine Sapphire Award winners. The event, held in conjunction with Strategies in Light, The LED Show, and Lightspace California in Anaheim, CA, aboard the RMS Queen Mary honored the enabling technologies and elegance-of-design in finished lighting products in the industry. GREEN CREATIVE won its second consecutive Sapphire Award in the Commercial-Quality SSL Lamp Design category.
“With LEDs sources the story was long about energy efficiency, but when history is written it will be about photometrics and form factor. LEDs enable all new experiences in light,” said Maury Wright, Editor-in-Chief of LEDs Magazine. “Our Sapphire Awards winners exemplify that eventuality with innovation that is simply amazing relative to products from one year ago.”
GREEN CREATIVE’s REFINE Series PAR38 17W lamp was selected for its combination of industry leading lumen output, candela and efficacy. This lamp features the patented full-face REFINE optic that provides a high candela to lumen ratio and has typical CRI 90, R9 65 and R13 90 values for applications that demand crisp and vibrant colors. This ENERGY STAR® certified lamp is also suitable for enclosed fixtures. Detailed information and data sheet for the REFINE Series PAR38 17W are available on the GREEN CREATIVE website.

88 companies working across the LED and solid-state lighting sectors nominated over 100 products to be considered for the fourth annual Sapphire Awards, along with outstanding individuals or teams for the prestigious Illumineer of the Year award. Sapphire Awards judges ultimately considered products across 20 technology categories that covered the spectrum of lighting applications from new categories such as Horticultural Lighting and Smart and Connected SSL Technologies, to classic applications such as LED Drivers and Industrial SSL Luminaire Design. New this year, the judges also considered submissions in project categories for both SSL smart Lighting and SSL outdoor lighting, and a humanitarian award was announced. During the Gala, the best of the best took home the Sapphire trophies after the late-night celebration.
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GREEN CREATIVE is a major solid state lighting development and manufacturing company based in the Bay Area, CA. The company specializes in retrofit lighting for the commercial market, offering a comprehensive line of LED lighting solutions. GREEN CREATIVE is fully integrated with strong R&D capabilities to constantly offer the latest technology available. For more information on GREEN CREATIVE please visit For all of the latest updates follow GREEN CREATIVE on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn or YouTube.
About LEDs Magazine
LEDs Magazine is the leading information resource for the global LED and lighting community, serving thousands of readers that specify, design, and manufacture LED-based products for a wide range of end-use applications. Its key value proposition is to offer well-written, unbiased, and informative editorial content to more than 63,000 subscribers. LEDs Magazine provides news and product information on a daily basis in combination with in-depth technical articles, analysis, and case studies. For additional information about LEDs Magazine, visit
About the PennWell LED & Lighting Network
The PennWell LED & Lighting Network serves the global lighting industry with a comprehensive series of publications, events and research capabilities covering every aspect of lighting. From the manufacturer to the end user, the PennWell LED & Lighting Network’s mission is to bridge the spectrum of light with the highest level of excellence in editorial, technical content and business development opportunities, providing 360-degree views of the global market. United together, the PennWell LED & Lighting Network’s resources drive innovation and inspire solutions in LEDs and lighting by connecting the technology with the applications of the future. For additional information about LEDs Magazine, visit
About PennWell Corporation:
Founded in 1910 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, PennWell Corporation is a privately held and highly diversified business-to-business media and marketing services company that provides quality content and integrated marketing solutions for the following industries: Oil & gas, electric power generation and delivery, hydropower, renewable energy, water and wastewater, lasers and optoelectronics, fiber-optics, cabling, broadband, aerospace electronics, LEDs and lighting, fire and emergency services, and dental. PennWell publishes over 130 print and online magazines and newsletters, conducts 50 conferences and exhibitions on six continents, and has an extensive offering of books, maps, websites, research and database services. In addition to PennWell’s headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Company has major offices in Nashua, New Hampshire; London, England; Houston, Texas; San Diego, California; Fairlawn, New Jersey; Moscow, Russia; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Hong Kong, China. For additional information about PennWell, visit |